About me

I am Wahyudin Syam.
I was born in Maluku (Indonesia) and currently am living in the United Kingdom.
In this blog, I will be writing mainly about research and development (R&D) in general, academic writing and certain topics in engineering: metrology, geometric dimensioning & tolerancing (GD&T), global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and applied programming.
The difference between this blog and other blogs related to R&D is that this blog provides perspectives from my personal experiences (according to my research background and of course is open for discussion), specific examples and some insights in each post.
I obtained my PhD in geometrical metrology and tolerancing (manufacturing metrology) from Politecnico di Milano and then, did a post-doctoral research in surface topography measurements (both off-line and in-process) at University of Nottingham for five years. Currently, I am working as technical project leader in GNSS at GMV Innovating Solutions (UK office).
My complete publications (journals, conferences and a book chapter) can be viewed on my google scholar.
Also, I have a European Patent (Status: Patent granted) about surface roughness analysis (EP3781400) and the journal article about this patent can be freely downloaded.
As a little contribution to my field and community, I have written two books (in Bahasa) about manufacturing metrology and Tolerancing GD&T. Both of them are freely downloadable. The first book is “Metrologi Manufaktur: Pengukuran geometri dan analisis ketidakpastian” and the second book is “Toleransi dimensi dan geometri: Analisis rantai variasi dalam proses perakitan produk”.

If you want to have good research philosophies and improve your research management and productivities, I have written a book titled "Research How to: A Practical Guide" where you can learn from established rules and principles from theory of strategy, management, finance, marketing and others to improve your research productivities:

You can also get this book from Rakuten Kobo.