Research Continuous and discrete statistical distributions: Probability density/mass function, cumulative distribution function and the central limit theorem In real world, all variables are random and the randomness is modelled by statistical distributions. In this post, various type of statistical distributions for both continuous and discrete random variables are explained.
Applied programming TUTORIAL: C/C++ implementation of circular buffer for FIR filter and GNU plotting on Linux In this post, a tutorial for implementing the concept of circular buffer to a finite impulse response (FIR) filtering application of continuous data is presented. Also, the plotting of the filtered data with GNU plot application in Linux will be shown.
Applied programming TUTORIAL: C/C++ programming with Qt framework, OpenCV and Eigen libraries for ellipse fitting from images This post presents how to develop and deploy an application for ellipse fitting from white blobs on images. The development is on Windows operating system. In this application, C/C++ programming language will be used along with Qt framework, OpenCV and Eigen libraries.
GNSS GPS (GNSS) signal processing chain from a received raw signal, signal acquisition, tracking to demodulation: An introduction In this post, gentle explanations focusing on the evolution of GPS signals from a satellite to a receiver and the processing chains from the raw received signals, signal acquisition, tracking to demodulation are presented.
Tolerancing Datum references, tolerance zone and material condition in GD&T This post explains some fundamental elements of GD&T. The elements are datum reference (datum reference frame), tolerance zone and material condition.
Tolerancing Examples on how to interpret GD&T: Form, orientation, location and run-out tolerances This post presents and discusses real examples on how to interpret GD&T tolerancing symbols from technical drawings.
Metrology The role of measurement uncertainty in quality inspection In quality inspection, measurement uncertainty has a fundamental role in deciding the conformance and non-conformance of a part.
Metrology Understanding measurement model, systematic error and random error In this post, three important aspects in measurement are concisely discussed. The three aspects are measurement model, systematic error and random error.
Metrology Measurement uncertainty estimations: Monte-Carlo simulation method In this post, a method to estimate measurement uncertainties based on Monte-Carlo simulation is presented with examples.
Academic writing 12 fallacies that should be avoided when constructing arguments In this post, 12 fallacies when writing arguments for scientific articles are presented with examples. Some of the presented fallacies seem to be very small and commonly used, but those fallacies completely change the meaning of arguments written in a scientific article.
Metrology Measurement uncertainty estimations: GUM method Any types of measurement results should be presented with their associated uncertainty. In this post, a method to estimate measurement uncertainties based on Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) is presented with examples.
Academic writing Five fundamental rules for scientific writing that are applicable for all fields This post explains five important rules to write scientific articles. The rules can be applied to all types of research fields. The five rules are logical, clear, accurate, concise and audience-dependence.
Tolerancing 3D tolerance stack-up analysis with examples In this post, 3D tolerance stack-up analysis will be explained with two examples. Both traditional “+/-” dimensional tolerance and geometrical tolerance (GD&T) are considered.
Tolerancing 2D tolerance stack-up analysis with examples Every part constituting an assembled product has tolerances assigned to the part’s features. These assigned tolerances cause variations on the key characteristics (KCs) of the assembled part. How can we know how much the variations on the KCs before manufacturing the parts?
Metrology Ten types of dimensional and geometrical measurement error In any dimensional and geometrical measurements, different types of measurement error decrease the accuracy of the measurements. These types of measurement error are due to measurement procedures and the structural elements of an instrument
Academic writing Five common small writing mistakes that destroy an article Very often, we have writing mistakes that seem to be small. However, those mistakes significantly damage our articles.
Research 50 proven practical tips for successful PhD and research that everyone should know To be successful in research or PhD, anyone can apply these 50 proven tips that are applicable for all types of research activities and PhD studies.
Tolerancing Understanding fixturing constraints: locator, clamping, support and guide Fixturing system has a very important role in assembly processes. Despite the complexity of fixturing systems, there are four main roles that fixturing systems should have. The four roles are locating, clamping, supporting and guiding parts during assembly processes.
Tolerancing Understanding fundamental assembly features: Mate and contact features Assembly is the final step to make a product in its complete form. However, no matter how complex the geometry of a part is, the part’s assembly features are boiled down to two fundamental types: mate and contact features.
Academic writing Writing is at least 25% of research time Many people will leave the writing part of their research at the last after they have done experiments and data analyses. This way is wrong and we should avoid this paradigm.
Metrology The fundamental difference between Vernier calliper and micrometre Vernier calliper and micrometre are very common to be used for dimensional measurement. However, many people do not know their fundamental difference.
Tolerancing Assembly and tolerancing Assembly processes are “the moment of truth”. There is none other better phrase to describe assembly processes than the phrase.
Metrology Five reasons why measurement uncertainty is important To understand the importance of measurement uncertainty in practice, we present at least five reasons of why measurement uncertainty estimation has an important role
GNSS Beware of reading signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from power spectral density (PSD) plot In radio communication signal analysis, for example global navigation satellite system (GNSS), a common step before analysing received signals is signal data inspection.
Research Is research expensive? People always ask: “is research expensive?” and how much advanced countries spend their money on research. The answer is obviously yes, but also NO. here is why.