Research Is research expensive? People always ask: “is research expensive?” and how much advanced countries spend their money on research. The answer is obviously yes, but also NO. here is why.
Academic writing Texts explain figures (in writing) In academic writing, we very often provide figures to explain, for example, experiment results. The correct way of the explanation should be texts explain figures.
GNSS TUTORIAL: RFNoC 4 environment development setup for USRP devices This tutorial is for setting up Radio Frequency Network-on-Chip (RFNoC) version 4 FPGA environment development on universal software radio peripheral (USRP) devices
Research What is the essence of PhD? When people get their PhD, very often, we think that they know everything about their field. The truth is they are not.
Metrology How to correctly present a measurement result When we do a measurement, for example a length measurement, it is not correct to only present the measured length.
Applied programming Beware of integer data type in computing Matlab and Python are probably the most used programming languages for research.
Tolerancing Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) Any manufacturing processes will always produce parts that have some degree of deviations (errors) from the parts’ nominal design.
Metrology The fundamental concept of metrology The fundamental concepts of metrology are revolved around these three aspects: traceability-calibration-uncertainty.
Research The most important tools for research We always ask what the most important tools for research are. We might think that the tools can be Matlab, Python or other programming languages.