Applied programming The problematic aspect of number crunching in programming: Case study in GNSS calculations In programming, especially for languages requiring explicit data type declarations, such as C/C++, FORTRAN and Java, the number of bits to represent numbers are very important.
GNSS Generating GPS L1 C/A pseudo-random noise (PRN) code with MATLAB and C/C++ In this post, C/A codes for GPS signals generation will be discussed. The C/A code implementation in MATLAB and C/C++ are presented as well.
Research Continuous and discrete statistical distributions: Probability density/mass function, cumulative distribution function and the central limit theorem In real world, all variables are random and the randomness is modelled by statistical distributions. In this post, various type of statistical distributions for both continuous and discrete random variables are explained.
GNSS GPS (GNSS) signal processing chain from a received raw signal, signal acquisition, tracking to demodulation: An introduction In this post, gentle explanations focusing on the evolution of GPS signals from a satellite to a receiver and the processing chains from the raw received signals, signal acquisition, tracking to demodulation are presented.
GNSS Beware of reading signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from power spectral density (PSD) plot In radio communication signal analysis, for example global navigation satellite system (GNSS), a common step before analysing received signals is signal data inspection.
GNSS TUTORIAL: RFNoC 4 environment development setup for USRP devices This tutorial is for setting up Radio Frequency Network-on-Chip (RFNoC) version 4 FPGA environment development on universal software radio peripheral (USRP) devices