Metrology Measurement uncertainty estimations: Monte-Carlo simulation method In this post, a method to estimate measurement uncertainties based on Monte-Carlo simulation is presented with examples.
Metrology Measurement uncertainty estimations: GUM method Any types of measurement results should be presented with their associated uncertainty. In this post, a method to estimate measurement uncertainties based on Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) is presented with examples.
Metrology Ten types of dimensional and geometrical measurement error In any dimensional and geometrical measurements, different types of measurement error decrease the accuracy of the measurements. These types of measurement error are due to measurement procedures and the structural elements of an instrument
Metrology The fundamental difference between Vernier calliper and micrometre Vernier calliper and micrometre are very common to be used for dimensional measurement. However, many people do not know their fundamental difference.
Metrology Five reasons why measurement uncertainty is important To understand the importance of measurement uncertainty in practice, we present at least five reasons of why measurement uncertainty estimation has an important role
Metrology How to correctly present a measurement result When we do a measurement, for example a length measurement, it is not correct to only present the measured length.
Metrology The fundamental concept of metrology The fundamental concepts of metrology are revolved around these three aspects: traceability-calibration-uncertainty.